
A Manual of Pole and Gridwork Exercises (Book 1)
From Gridwork to the show-Jumping Ring (Book 2)

These two Manuals are unique in their design. Whether you are an experienced horse/rider partnership or a rider working at a more novice level, they offer the opportunity to build a structured, progressive training programme. Progress Sheets for each Manual can be printed from the Download Tab above, giving the opportunity to record training sessions and track progress.

  • All pages are laminated making them weather resistant. They can be removed from the A4 ringbinder and taken outside for easy reference. If a page is dropped or left out in the rain, it just wipes clean! The ringbinder is made from polypropylene so is also weather resistant.
  • Every exercise is illustrated with a diagram giving individual distances for Horses, 148cm (14.2hh), 138cm (13.2hh) and 128cm (12.2hh) ponies in both imperial and metric measurements.

Both Manuals are full of exercises, explanations, information and tips designed to educate both a horse and rider, improving confidence and performance. Each set of exercises includes:

  • an introduction
  • a guide to building suitable distances between fences
  • preparing for and riding the exercise
  • useful information and hints

To measure distances accurately, a 30m is also available to purchase on the Buy Page.

  • Support Pages are packed with information on preparation, warm up and everything needed to carry out a gridwork session successfully.
  • Explanation Pages give a comprehensive list of commonly used terms.

without a doubt these are the best reference books for jumping I have come across

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Order your Manuals today

Book 1 - A Manual of Pole and Gridwork Exercises
Book 2 - From Gridwork to the Show-Jumping Ring